the back roads....

this weekend, we spent a lot of time on the road, well interstate, for the most part. on our way to pick up tay from my parents, we decided to veto the interstate and go back i am not going to lie, i at times put up a fight w/ my husband who loves the "adventure" of finding new ways to get places...i think its b/c i just picture us getting lost(aka into a fight) and then it just adds more time to the trip when i just want to get there the quickest way possible.

however, i did not protest on the way home and i discovered just how beautiful back roads really can be. we live in the lowcountry and you just take forgranted all of the beautiful things we are surround around with- water's everywhere, marsh grass, and historic preservation around every corner. hence, old sheldon church, a place that i dreamed about getting married but copped out b/c of my fear of rain (how lame). you can find her on the "back roads" of traveling to beaufort...and she makes your heart skip a beat and you swallow your pride for even thinking of protesting "back roads"......

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