Inspirational Interior Design Ideas for Living Room Design, Bedroom Design, Kitchen Design and the entire home - The Web's Number #1 Source for Interior Design Inspiration!
This space makes me want to start up that fire and pour a glass of wine. I love that it has an air of mystery, what is up above? How tall are the ceilings really? It is pretty amazing!
Has fall turned cold finally for you? We are finally starting to feel it here in California and I am glad for the change.
A few weeks back I was feeling a little out of sorts.. a little lost at the beginning of the year, it always seems like a time when you should be overly motivated, ready to run out of the gates and get some things really taken care of, make changes and plan for the year ahead. Well, I was in a total funk and kinda bummed out. On a Sunday morning I had a chance to take a little time to myself and was wandering around in the land of the blogs, I came across Lost in Arles a blog written by Heather, I spent well over an hour reading her posts and looking through her beautiful photos. I finally felt like myself, I felt inspired and awake for the first time in what seemed like a month (the holidays really took a lot out of me this year). I am ready to go, ready to be inspired, ready to travel and ready to take on the challenges of the year ahead. Maybe I will visit France in the Fall this year, I know I will be working on stream lining my time and energy into projects that I really want and need to do, and maybe just maybe I will be taking a few more leaps of faith this year.
I wanted to thank Heather and thank all of the bloggers that take their time posting so many fantastic images and inspiration!
What a great masculine space with the dark walls and all that leather.... yummy! Flamant is one of my favorites when I visit Europe! Their pieces are always so well done...
When I saw these images on Skona Hem with the title Wabi Sabi I knew that it was a great way to describe the style I wish I had. I am not sure that it makes total sense. I love love the look in photos, but I am not so sure that I could live with the unfinished pieces... I do have an unfinished concrete floor in my house but chairs might be different. Could you live in the real thing- with the tattered pieces and the peeling paint or wall paper?
I love how this little space has so much interest. I find that art and accessories are so personal. Do you have a great many objects of interest? How do you display them?
I fell in love with this room in the first picture. Then I found the other photos. I am not sure I love it as much in the second and third picture. Why is that? How do the photographers do that? Just cut out the extra things and make it more quaint and warm? How about you - Do you like it?